SS WEEK 4 Anthony Reto SS WEEK 4 Anthony Reto

Episode 7: IT Professionals Keeping us Connected

Technology professionals don’t get a summer vacation! With cyber-attacks on the rise, these individuals work hard around the clock and behind the scenes to keep us safe. IT professionals make sure our networks are secure, our data is backed up and our information is protected so we can effectively do our jobs. But what if these individuals make a mistake? Or are blamed for a perceived mistake? Join us to hear the tales of claims USLI has experienced and why certain coverages on the policy were important to have in those scenarios.

Location: Nation-wide

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SS WEEK 5 Anthony Reto SS WEEK 5 Anthony Reto

Episode 9: Finding Stability in the Ever-changing Nonprofit D&O Sector

While this summer will give many the long-awaited opportunity to (hopefully) return to normal, the directors and officers market has been red hot with market changes and premium increases. Some carriers are reducing their available coverages, increasing rates, adding new exclusions and becoming more selective in the types of organizations they are willing to insure. USLI has been specializing in the nonprofit sector for over 25 years and has continued to provide stable, market-leading coverage, service and value to our policyholders and our agent/broker partners throughout these challenging times. Join us for a brief discussion of what we’re seeing in the market, where we are seeing success, and more importantly, how we can help your nonprofit clients spend more time carrying out their mission and less time worrying about whether they are properly protected.

Location: Cape May Zoo | Cape May, NJ

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